Questions & Answers
General questions
If you can’t decide on the most appropriate size of Flaska, this video should do the trick.
The height and weight of individual Flaska sizes including the protective neoprene sleeve:
- Flaška 0,3 l – height 24 cm, diameter 6 cm, weight 280g
- Flaška 0,5 l – height 27 cm, diameter 7 cm, weight 508 g
- Flaška 0,75 l – height 30 cm, diameter 8 cm, weight 667 g
- Vodan 1 l – height 30 cm, diameter 9 cm, weight 600 g
- Sirius 0,25 l - height 10 cm, diameter 9 cm, weight 330g
If you take the neoprene protective sleeve off the Flaska in the wrong way, the “ears” may start to tear. See how to correctly put on/take off the protective neoprene sleeve in this short video.
The easiest was to put on/take off the silicone protective sleeve is to make Flaska wet. See the short video How should I put on/take off Flaska’s protective silicone sleeve?
Take a look at the short video How should I remove a broken cork cap from my Flaska?
Questions on water structuring
Glass programming is a process composed of four phases. The most important is the TPS phase (technology of programming silicone). Read more about glass programming
Tests which directly substantiate these statements may be accessed here.
eFlaska - water structuring app
The app works similarly to a common radio. The radio station (A) is broadcasting music all the time. When a person turns on his radio far away and tunes the frequency (B) he can hear music, good news, bad news, etc and this influences his mood (C). Similarly, our device Quantec is broadcasting water restructuring frequencies all the time (A). When a person opens the app, picks up the vibrational program and starts it (B), this program is influencing/programming water on picture (C). For an even deeper understanding of the mechanism behind an app, we advise you to read a trilogy of Tom Cambell My big TOE.
Of course. In general, the use of plastic bottles is not recommended and we recommend using a classic Flaska or other reusable glass bottles. However, if the use of a plastic bottle cannot be avoided, the eFlaska app is the right thing to have the best possible structured water.
Please check our YT video
Unfortunately, we can't embed video into the app.
Doesn't the EMF from a cell phone's wireless signal that it is broadcasting interfere with or negatively affect the structuring of the water?
EMF from cell phones can't negatively affect the structuring of the water. EMF from the phone which is in passive mode is very weak. There could be an influence on water, if we would leave the phone on, talk with somebody over the speaker for a long time and have a glass of water very close by. But that is something that nobody is doing, when we structure the water, we are concentrated on the procedure and not talking over the phone.
If you take a pic of the water coming out of the shower head, the water is always new. Different water is coming out of the shower head, so anything that was structured would already be down the drain. How does the app work with shower?
The shower is tricky because is different from other functionalities, water is not in a container but flowing. Here it is not so much about the water flowing through the shower, but about programming the place, where a person using an app is having a shower.
Programming is done by the eFlaska app AND a person triggering it.
The vibrational program for the Flaska bottle is universal because it has to be efficient for young and old, women and men, for people from different places plus it is used for plants and animals as well. With an app, vibrational programs can be more focused, with an intention to bring the best-structured water for each specific group with their needs.